Quotes :

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Manusia suka, Allah Lagi suka . .

Salam'alaik . .
Note for today :

Wherever you are and whatever you do, always remember Allah. . 
He knows you better than others . . 
So, always put your trust on Him . .
No matter how 'ugly' you are,
just think of it, 
is He seek for that point just to make all your du'a becomes true?
Nope . .
 but still you need to have a good appearance . .
at least when someone see you, 
it's more than enough if he/she looks at your very-calm-and-cool-face ,
 with your behavior is so fascinating to attract someone to get to know you . .
Every single person desires that, right? 
Manusia pun suka lihat perwatakan kamu,
 tingkah laku dan riak wajah kamu yang sebegitu, 
inikan Allah swt, pencipta segala kejadian . .
Betul tak? haha . .

Jadi, jangan pernah terlepas untuk meminta doa kepada-Nya.  . 
dan jangan pernah kenal erti putus asa
 dalam setiap kehidupan yang kita jalani . . .
 Allah selalu ada untuk kamu, untuk saya sendiri dan untuk kita semua ..
Jangan risau ya !